Wednesday, February 19, 2014

HI There!

Hello everyone..

writing after a long time, had been busy with life.. recovering my life.. and I am back again with lots of energy and fun…
Time to recover and change .. 
Happy to pen down  my thoughts.. here .......

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Color essential in interior design

Defining Color-
Color is the most essential part in Interior design, because it works magic.
Color creates optical illusions, making small spaces look big and big spaces look small.
Color affects mood, makes a room serene/calm and even sometimes more dramatic effect can be made with color.

Color is effective to bring in the atmosphere in the house. It can sell times or even can be boring and dull.

So choosing wisely is very important while decorating your home.

Colors too bright may not help but make the room small and dingy and unbreathable and you might not want to stay in the room much longer. you may want to run away.

Thus when you begin decorating your home, remember that color can work for you if painted just right with a suitable color scheme in mind.